Senin, 28 Maret 2016

JENCO pH Testers

pH Testers


pH/EC80pH, Conductivity, TDS, Salinity, Temperature In-line Analyzer

pH, Conductivity, TDS, Salinity and temperature tester with a graphic LCD display in a IP-67 case

pH3900pH Tester

2-wire inline pH transmitter, Pt-100 ATC, LCD display for pH loop powered 11 to 50 VDC in a IP-65 case

610pH Tester

pH Tester personal pocket pen style with single point calibration.

618NpH Tester

VisionPlus pH618N is the most advanced pH tester on the market, with IP67 body, 50 data point storage, menu driven operation and replaceable electrode module.

619pH Tester

VisionPlus pH619 is an IP67 rated pH tester with graphical LCD display and electrode efficiency display, menu driven operation and replaceable electrode module.

620DpH Tester

pH Tester personal pocket pen style with ATC and dual point calibration.

630pH, Temperature Tester

VisionPlus pH630 is an IP67 rated pH tester with temperature readout.

612pH Tester

Portable Digital pH Stick Meter with replaceable pH electrode.

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